Monday, May 17, 2010

Everything is Everything ~Phoenix

So, that's me, in front of the Trevi Fountain. Really??? That happened. It was SOOOOO beautiful. Tons of people were sitting around taking pictures and listening to the rush of the water. After arriving in Rome we walked around the neighborhood for a while. Took a nap, then headed out for the night. We went to a REALLY good restaurant near our place and had a fabulous lunch. Then we headed on the subway to the Trevi fountain area because we had read that that's where lots of people hang out. They were right! We enjoyed the fountain, headed over and got some of the best gelato in the world and then sat and had a drink on a sidewalk cafe in front of a huge piazza. The waiter gave us his number when we left! Ooohh he was cute! Home again for a night's rest. Monday morning we slept in, had a nice breakfast at the "hotel" (it's really the basement room of a nice lady's house, but it's clean and safe and lovely) and headed out for the day.  We took the subway to Colloseo station, guess what we saw when we got to street level?? The coliseum is huge and beautiful and huge. We walked through it while the rain started. Then we walked to the Roman Forum and hung around for a bit. We walked to a beautiful, huge, white marble museum on the corner and climbed about a hundred stairs to the roof for a sandwich in a rooftop cafe and some more pictures of the coliseum. Then it was off to the Pantheon. It was huge and beautiful too (noticing a theme here)? Too bad there was scaffolding across half the front of it for repairs...Then we sat and had a glass of wine while we waited for the pouring rain to stop. (We stupidly left our umbrella's at home). Off to Piazza Navona and the Three Rivers Fountain. It was huge and beautiful and made of white marble as so many things are. But it was still raining. Then we caught a bus home. Mind you, we walked from the Colosseo metro station to Piazza Navona, I'm guessing we covered about 4 miles of Rome on foot today...Sore feet. Dunno what we'll get up to tonight. Guess you'll have to wait and see.


  1. OKay, so is everything "small" there??? Hee Hee!

  2. Good thing those tootsies are used to lots of miles!

  3. Hi Heather,
    Sounds like your having a great time. Have you been finding enough chicken and French fries. Ha.

